Showing 25 of 255 rows

OD_ID Dataset Name Web Link Date Released Data Description Data Purpose Notes or Disclaimers Dataset Tags Fitness for Use Dataset Period of Coverage Dataset Type Dataset Format Coordinate System Maintenance Frequency Data Refresh Refresh Type Refresh Frequency
OD1 HRM Park Recreation Features 4/10/2013, 6:00 AM Point representation of various HRM owned or maintained outdoor recreational uses. The data was created for the purpose of mapping where HRM Park Recreation Feature symbols are required Parks, Recreation, Sports Field, Beach, Baseball, Bike Facilities, Outdoor Gym, All-weather Turf, Soccer, Football, Skateboard, Tennis, Horseshoe, Volleyball, Ball Hockey, Playgound, Lawn Bowling, Outdoor Pool, Spray Pool, Running Track, Campground Good 2008 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Daily
OD10 Pre-Amalgamation Boundaries 10/1/2014, 6:00 AM Former muncipal unit boundaries and their sub-units prior to amalgamation in 1996 Elections, Ward, Municipal, Amalgamation Excellent 1996 Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Not applicable No - it is static Not applicable Not applicable
OD102 Outdoor Recreation Equipment 2/8/2017, 6:00 AM Points representation of HRM owned or maintained outdoor recreation equipment such as playground equipment, outdoor gym equipment, basketball hoops and modular ramps. The data was compiled as an inventory of features applicable for asset management and work order management. Recreation, Asset, Playstructure, Swing, Slide, Basketball Hoop Very Good 2015 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD107 Open Data Analytics 7/18/2018, 6:00 AM Table of daily usage statistics (number of requests) for datasets within the Halifax Open Data Catalogue. The data is collected using ArcGIS Online analytics. The data was collected to show the usage of data within the Open Data Catalogue. Statistics for the following datasets are not available as the data is not stored within ArcGIS Online: Transit Static Scheduling Data, Transit Real-Time Sheduling Data, LiDAR DEM 1m, 2m & 5m, LiDAR DSM, Halifax Water Hydrant, Halifax Water Catchbasin Halifax, Halifax Open Data, Finance City Government, Analytics, Usage Excellent 2014 - current Tabular CSV Not applicable Weekly Yes Automatic Weekly
OD11 Contours 5m 10/1/2014, 6:00 AM 3D contours from 1:10,000 scale mapping for Halifax and Hants counties Additional contours were derived from a 2007 airborne LiDAR 1m resolution DEM. The derived contours were amalgamated with existing photogrametrically created 5m contours. There will be some mismatches in postion and snapping where the boundary between the DEM and photogrammetric contours abut. Data was reprocessed due to datum change in original data from ATS 77 to NAD83(CSRS 2010) Elevation, Contour, Height Very Good 2013 Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Not applicable No - it is static Not applicable Not applicable
OD110 Census 2016 Census Tracts 11/29/2017, 6:00 AM This dataset is a compilation of Statistics Canada Census Tracts with associated population data from the 2016 Census. This dataset was created for statistical purposes and to perform population calculations. According to Statistics Canada, Census tracts (CTs) are small, relatively stable geographic areas that usually have a population of less than 10,000 persons. Halifax Open Data, Culture Society, Statistics, Population, Census, Tract Very Good May 10, 2016 Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Not applicable No - it is static Not applicable Not applicable
OD115 Polling Districts 2012 4/10/2013, 6:00 AM A geographic area that represents municipal electoral districts from 2012 to 2016. Boundaries are established by the UARB (Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board) The data was created for election purposes to represent municipal Polling Districts. Elections, Polling Districts, Administrative Boundaries Excellent 2012 - 2016 Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Not applicable No - it is static Not applicable Not applicable
OD116 Polling Divisions 2012 7/8/2015, 6:00 AM A geographic area within a Polling District to assign voters and addresses for a polling station from 2012 to 2016. The data was created for election purposes to represent municipal Polling Divisions Elections, Polling Divisions, Administrative Boundaries Excellent 2012 - 2016 Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Not applicable No - it is static Not applicable Not applicable
OD117 Planning Advisory Committee Boundaries 7/18/2018, 6:00 AM Polygon representation of areas served by a Planning Advisory Committee as approved by Halifax Regional Municipality Community Councils. A Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) advises a community council on planning strategies, land use by-laws and development applications for a specific area as described in that PAC's Terms of Reference. Halifax, HRM, Halifax Regional Municipality, PAC, Planning, Planning Advisory Committee, Development, Halifax Open Data, Finance City Government, Boundaries Topo Excellent 2017 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD118 Transit Automated Passenger Counts 10/31/2018, 6:00 AM Table of half-hourly summarized passenger boardings by Halifax Transit bus routes. Halifax Transit buses are equipped with Automated Passenger Counters (APC) and are designed to collect passenger boarding data. The data is gathered to measure Halifax Transit's ridership. Some data errors have identified involving counters giving incorrect boardings, when these errors have been detected, the values have been removed from the data to avoid misleading data Halifax, Transit, Passenger, Counts, Bus, Routes, Halifax Open Data, Transportation Transit Very Good 2017 - current Tabular CSV Not applicable Daily Yes Automatic Daily
OD119 311 Call Volumes 10/31/2018, 6:00 AM Table of 311 call volumes per 30 minute increments, includes information regarding the number of calls offered, handled, abandoned and talk time. The dataset was created to show 311 contact centre volumes. 311, Call Volume, Offered, Handled, Abandoned, Talk Time, Halifax Open Data, Finance City Government Very Good 2017 - current Tabular CSV Not applicable Daily Yes Automatic Weekly
OD120 Dry Hydrants 6/21/2017, 6:00 AM Point representation of water sources for Halifax Fire to connect hoses for fire services, with the exception of hydrants owned and maintained by Halifax Water. Includes dry hydrants and cisterns. The data was created for Halifax Fire to identify dry hydrant and cistern locations Fire, Dry Hydrant, Cistern, Hydrant Excellent 2016 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD121 Street Junctions 6/21/2017, 6:00 AM Point representation of street junctions used in the corporate street network. A street junction is defined as the point where two streets intersect; or where a street or community name changes; or when the street changes direction. This dataset was created to carry out geo-spatial network analysis. Halifax, Junction, Intersection, Dead End, Street Very Good 2001 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Daily Yes Automatic Weekly
OD122 Halifax Water Catchbasin 5/31/2017, 6:00 AM Point feature representing individual public catchbasins (also known as storm drains) owned and maintained by Halifax Water. This information includes the catchbasin identification number. The data is compiled as an important part of drainage infrastructure. Usually located within a curb and a vital part of flood control, catchbasins allow water to quickly drain from the streets. If you see a catchbasin that appears to be damaged or tampered with (i.e. missing the grate), please report it to Halifax Water by calling 902-420-9287. Halifax Water, Catchbasin, Storm Drain, Stormwater, Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia Very Good 2010 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Daily Yes Automatic Weekly
OD123 Halifax Water Hydrant 5/31/2017, 6:00 AM Point feature representing individual public fire hydrants owned and maintained by Halifax Water. This information includes hydrant identification number. The data is compiled as an important part of the fire prevention system and to provide emergency. To ensure public safety, fire hydrants must remain accessible to the fire department at all times. water for firefighting. Except for limited circumstances where a permit is issued, use of fire hydrants by other than Halifax Water or Fire Department staff is prohibited and subject to fines. halifax water, hydrant, open data, halifax regional municipality, HRM, nova scotia Excellent 2010 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Daily Yes Automatic Weekly
OD126 Ferry Routes 2/28/2018, 6:00 AM Line representation of the ferry routes between the ferry terminals located in Halifax and Dartmouth. This data was created for mapping purposes to represent the ferry routes between Halifax and Dartmouth. Halifax, Dartmouth, Ferry, Route, Transit, Halifax Harbour, Terminal, Halifax Open Data, Transportation Transit Very Good 2015 Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Not applicable No - it is static Not applicable Not applicable
OD127 Airport Runways 2/28/2018, 6:00 AM Polygon representation of airport runways in Halifax Regional Municipality This data was created for mapping purposes to represent airport runway boundaries. Halifax, Runway, Airport, Halifax Open Data, Transportation Transit Very Good 2015 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD129 NSPW HRM Service Exchange Boundary 2006 10/28/2020, 6:00 AM The HRM and Nova Scotia Public Works (NSPW) service exchange boundary to determine the responsibility for street maintenance. This dataset was formerly called HRM NSTIR Exchange Boundary and renamed on June 29th, 2022. The boundary was created to delineate the boundary between HRM and NSPW service for streets. The boundary represents the general service area for HRM PW but there are some exceptions where streets outside the boundary could be owned by HRM and some inside the core that are owned by NSPW. Halifax, HRM, Street, Boundary, Core, Service, Maintenance, Halifax Open Data, Transportation Transit Very Good 2006 - 2022 Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested No - it is static Manual As requested
OD13 HRM Parks 4/10/2013, 6:00 AM Polygon representation of HRM owned and maintained parks. Includes areas that have been developed as parks and land with the primary function of providing active and/or passive recreation opportunities. Land, Parks, Recreation, Open Space Very Good 2008 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD131 Pre-Bonus Building Height - Downtown Halifax 3/27/2019, 6:00 AM Polygon representation of areas that identify maximum buildable heights (in metres) allowed within the Downtown Halifax Land Use By-Law Area without the provision of a public benefit as part of a site development. The data was created by HRM Planning and Development for the purpose of delineating maximum building heights without the provision of public benefit as part of a site development, as defined in the Downtown Halifax Land Use By-Law. Halifax, Municipal, Planning, Development, Pre-Bonus, Height, Downtown Halifax Land Use By-Law, LUB, MPS, Halifax Open Data, Planning Development Very Good 2009 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD132 Post-Bonus Building Height - Downtown Halifax 3/27/2019, 6:00 AM Polygon representation of areas that identify maximum buildable heights (in metres) allowed within the Downtown Halifax Land Use By-Law Area following the provision of a public benefit as part of a site development. The data was created by HRM Planning and Development for the purpose of delineating maximum building heights following the provision of a public benefit as part of a site development, as defined in the Downtown Halifax Land Use By-Law. Halifax, Municipal, Planning, Development, Post_Bonus, Height, Downtown Halifax Land Use By-Law, LUB, MPS, Land Use, Halifax Open Data, Planning Development Very Good 2009 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD133 Height Precincts 3/27/2019, 6:00 AM Polygon representation of areas with specific regulations regarding height restrictions for buildings within the Halifax Peninsula Land Use By-Law area. The data was created by HRM Planning and Development for the purpose of delineating municipal height precincts as represented on map ZM-17 of the Halifax Peninsula Land Use By-Law. This dataset must be interpreted in conjunction with the Height Precincts Interpretation dataset to determine the maximum allowable building height for a building located within a height precinct. Halifax, Planning, Peninsula Land Use By-Law, Development, Zoning, Building Height, Halifax Open Data, Planning Development Very Good 2004 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD134 Height Precincts Interpretation 3/27/2019, 6:00 AM Polygon representation of areas with specific regulations regarding the interpretation of height restrictions for buildings with the Halifax Peninsula Land Use By-Law Area. The data was created by HRM Planning and Development for the purpose of identifying the correct method to calculate the maximum allowable height within a height precinct as defined on map ZM-17 of the Halifax Peninsula Land Use By-Law. This dataset must be interpreted in conjunction with the Height Precincts dataset to determine the maximum allowable building height for a building located within a height precinct. Halifax, Planning, Peninsula Land Use By-Law, Building Height, Development, Zoning, Halifax Open Data, Planning Development Very Good 1986 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD135 Land Use Schedules 3/27/2019, 6:00 AM Polygon representation of areas defined within land use by-law areas where specific land use regulations apply. The data was created by HRM Planning and Development for the purpose of delineating schedule areas where specific land use regulations apply within a land use by-law area. Halifax, Land Use By-Law, Schedule, Development, Planning, Zoning, Regulation, Halifax Open Data, Planning Development Very Good 2002 - current Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 As requested Yes Automatic Weekly
OD136 Regional Plan Generalized Future Land Use 3/27/2019, 6:00 AM Polygon representation of general future land use designation as defined in the Regional Municipal Planning Strategy for Halifax Regional Municipality. The data was created by HRM Planning and Development for the purpose of delineating municipal generalized future land use designations as defined in the Regional Municipal Planning Strategy. Halifax, Urban, Settlement, Rural, Commuter, Agriculture, Resource, Open Space, Halifax Open Data, Planning Development Very Good 2014 Spatial SDE Feature Class WGS 84 Not applicable No - it is static Not applicable Not applicable