Mapping Applications Common Questions
Welcome to the Mapping Applications Common Questions
Section 1 - Access
1.1 - Mapping Applications - Browser Requirements
For the best performance with the Mapping Applications, use the latest version of Internet Explorer.
Other browsers supported include;
Internet Explorer 11 (Compatibility View is not supported)
Note: Microsoft Edge is not supported
1.2 - What device(s) are supported for the Mapping Applications?
The following devices are supported;
Note: It is important to note that the mapping applications display best on desktops, laptops, and tablets/iPads however the screen size should adapt to mobile devices.
Section 2 - General
2.1 - What is a mapping application?
A mapping application is an interactive web-map that displays geographic information to help make decisions or answer questions about the Halifax Regional Municipality.
This interactive web-map has been developed using Esri’s ArcGIS Online platform and is powered by Halifax’s Open Data.
2.2 - What is ArcGIS Online?
ArcGIS Online is a collaborative web GIS that allows you to use, create, and share maps, scenes, apps, layers, analytics, and data. ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based platform that allows us to take full advantage of the scalability and hosting features of cloud technology, while still allowing us to serve up our own authoritative data.
2.3 - What is a Widget?
A widget is essentially a tool that enables you to carry out a task. For example, the measurement widget enables you to measure a line, an area, or provide a coordinate location.
To learn more on how to use a widget or what widget(s) are available, view the ExploreHRM User Guide
2.4 - What is a basemap?
A basemap is a collection of spatial data that provides context to a map; it is both the foundation and building block for creating maps. User(s) overlay information on top of a basemap to provide a visual and to communicate where the overlay is located.
A basemap is generally made up of referenced information such as roads, hydrography, landforms, landmarks, and political boundaries.
2.5 - What are the "Halifax" basemaps?
HRM mapping applications are built on a default basemap, Halifax Greyscale Basemap, or Halifax Color Basemap.
The Halifax Basemap & Halifax Greyscale Basemap reference authoritative municipal data and labels. This means all the streets, civic addresses, boundaries, and other data available in the basemap come from authoritative Halifax corporate data sources. The “Halifax” basemaps are updated daily, whereas the municipality has no control over the other third-party basemap.
The “Halifax” basemaps include streets, street labels, highway labels, railroads, ferry routes, water features (lakes, rivers, bays ocean, etc.), lake names, HRM boundary, community names, airports, building footprints, and parks.
2.6 - Why are there different basemaps?
In the mapping applications, any basemap that does not reference “Halifax” in the title are a third-party basemap. Third-party basemaps are not routinely kept up to date and user(s) should acknowledge the content provided in third-party basemaps may be dated or inaccurate information. The purpose of these third-party basemaps is to provide user(s) with a variety of different contextual views,
To learn more about interacting with the basemap(s) widget, view the ExploreHRM User Guide
Section 3 - Search
3.1 - How do I find the location I am looking for in the mapping applications?
To search for a specific location, type into the search box in the top left of the interactive web-map for a place name, address, parcel identifier (PID), or assessment account number (AAN).
Additional ways to search can be found by using the drop-down arrow on the search widget.
Section 4 - Popups/Information
4.1 - I am trying to find information on XX, but the pop-up only shows the information on YY.
When clicking on a feature to get information, you will see a popup window that contains information on the first layer the application finds. To scroll through the popup window results, click on the small arrow in the top right of the popup.
To learn more about popup information, view the ExploreHRM User Guide
Section 5 - Feedback/Support
5.1 - Is the data displayed in the mapping application accurate and up to date?
All datasets are pulled from Halifax’s Open Data Portal, which in turn are refreshed on a weekly basis. All open data is sourced from the authoritative municipal systems and represents the best source of truth to our knowledge. If you become aware of erroneous or incomplete data please let us know.
5.2 - I can't find the functionality/data that I need?
Halifax is committed to continuing to develop our mapping applications and we are happy to receive any suggestions or critiques in relation to mapping applications
Please provide your feedback by clicking the Mapping Feedback Form
5.3 - Who do I contact regarding data error(s)?
For data errors or issues you may fill out the Mapping Feedback Form
5.4 - Who do I contact regarding application issue(s)?
If you are receiving an error message or experiencing issues while attempting to use the mapping applications you may fill out the Mapping Feedback Form
5.5 - I don't see my question here. Who do I contact?
If you have questions or require additional information you may fill out the Mapping Feedback Form
Please help us improve the quality and usability of these documents by letting us know what you think.