The most recent notifications regarding Open Data, Mapping Applications and Analytics are listed below.
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Latest Notifications
February 12, 2025 - One new dataset has been released PPL&C Inspections, a table of all permit inspections performed by Halifax Regional Municipal Planning & Development.
As well, the following datasets have been updated:
Cityworks Work Orders – The dataset is being updated to include two additional fields: Work Order Cause and Work Order Resolution.
Legacy Building Permits - A new field, titled Certificate of Occupancy, will be incorporated into this dataset. This addition aims to assist external agencies in identifying when the occupancy permit has been issued.
PPL&C Halifax Water Permits - Two new fields will be added to the dataset, titled Net New Residential Units and Net New Commercial Space. These additions will enable external agencies to access essential information regarding units.
PPL&C Halifax Water Permits Geolocated - Two new fields will be added to the dataset, titled Net New Residential Units and Net New Commercial Space. These additions will enable external agencies to access essential information regarding units.
Traffic Calming Assessments - A new field is being added to this dataset called Speed Assessment Year, to identify the year the speed assessment was conducted.
November 27, 2024 - Two new datasets have been released: African Nova Scotian Communities and Tree Canopy.
In addition, the following datasets have been updated with more current information: Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation 2021, HRCE School Boundary - Early French Immersion Elementary, HRCE School Boundary - Early French Immersion High, HRCE School Boundary - Early French Immersion Junior High , HRCE School Boundary - English Program Elementary , HRCE School Boundary - English Program High , HRCE School Boundary - English Program Junior High , HRCE School Boundary - Late French Immersion High, HRCE School Boundary - Late French Immersion Junior High and Tax Rates.
October 21, 2024 - Three new datasets have been released as historic polling district and division boundaries. These include Polling Districts 2016, Polling Districts 2020 and Polling Divisions 2020. The Polling Districts and Polling Divisions have also been updated to reflect the new boundaries as a result of the recent election.
As well, datasets the contain polling district information have been updated with the new district numbers. These include: Civic Addresses, Community Council Boundaries, HRM Public Washrooms, PPLC_Building_Permits, PPL&C Building Permits Geolocated, PPLC_Construction_Permits, PPL&C Construction Permits Geolocated, PPLC_Engineering_Permits, PPL&C Engineering Permits Geolocated, PPLC_Halifax_Water_Permits, PPL&C Halifax Water Permits Geolocated, PPLC_Issued_Public_Works_ROW_Permits, PPL&C Issued Public Works ROW Permits Geolocated, PPLC_Land_Use_Approval_Permits, PPL&C Land Use Approvals Permits Geolocated and Traffic Calming Assessments.
September 11, 2024 - One new dataset has been released: NSPWHRM Service Exchange Boundary 1996.
There have also been modifications to the following datasets:
HRM Traffic Studies – adding a new link to the traffic study document, which are now available to the public.
Traffic Calming Assessments – adding a comments field to provide more information on why certain streets are not able to have traffic calming installed.
Transit Automated Passenger Counts – modifying dataset to include the passenger counts by hour instead of previously by day.
July 10th, 2024 - Seven new dataset have been released: Beach Water Quality, Bonus Zoning Rate Districts, Demographic Scenarios, Maximum Building Heights, Maximum Front and Flanking Yards, Minimum Front and Flanking Yards and Natural Inventory.
In addition, the following datasets will be removed from the Open Data Catalogue: Sackville Rivers Study - Recommended Floodplains and RC Maximum Building Heights (dataset has been replaced by Maximum Building Heights).
May 15th, 2024 - One new dataset has been released: PPL&C Permit Processing Times
In addition, the following dataset have been updated or modified:
April 3rd, 2024 - Three new datasets have been released: Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation 2016, Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation 2021 and Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZ)
February 14th, 2024 - Eight new datasets have been released: Census 2016 Census Divisions, Census 2016 Census Metropolitan Areas, Census 2016 Census Subdivisions, Census 2021 Census Divisions, Census 2021 Census Metropolitan Areas, Census 2021 Census Subdivisions, Growth Control Areas and Transit Bus Snow Routes.
In addition, some modification were made to following existing datasets: Bike Racks have been added to Bike Amenities, new field(s) have been added to the following permit datasets: PPL&C Building Permits, PPL&C Building Permits Geolocated, PPL&C Construction Permits, PPL&C Construction Permits Geolocated, PPL&C Engineering Permits, PPL&C Engineering Permits Geolocated, PPL&C Halifax Water Permits, PPL&C Halifax Water Permits Geolocated, PPL&C Issued Public Works ROW Permits, PPL&C Issued Public Works ROW Permits Geolocated, PPL&C Land Use Approvals Permits and PPL&C Land Use Approvals Permits Geolocated. Modifications were made to the survey collecting the LakeWatchers (LW) data, resulting in some changes to fields in LW Monitoring Sites and LW Monitoring Results.
There were also, data updates to the following datasets: Cityworks Service Requests, (LakeWatchers) LW Lab Results.
November 29th, 2023 - Five new datasets have been released: 311 Call Details, Commercial General Rates, HRFE Fire Cause and Origin, PPL&C Residential Standards Violations and Right-of-Way (ROW) Charge Boundary.
In addition, the following dataset have been updated or modified: A new field called PROJECT_NAME was added to the Cityworks Service Requests & Cityworks Works Orders tables, Residential Standards Violations was renamed to
Legacy Residential Standards Violations, Tax Rates was updated for 2023 and Transportation Area Rates was deprecated as the rate is no longer active.